What to do in a plumbing emergency in Columbia, TN

Do you know how to respond during a plumbing emergency? Roto-Rooter in Columbia, TN, drafted an emergency plumbing checklist to help you plan for potential plumbing emergencies.

What Is a Plumbing Emergency?

A plumbing emergency can take numerous forms, including:

No matter the source, you need immediate plumbing help to address the situation and prevent further damage.

What to Do in Plumbing Emergency Situations

If you don’t know how to handle plumbing emergencies, you should first save a local plumbing company’s contact information. That way, you have their phone number readily available, and you can request immediate attention. Like any emergency, time is of the essence. Discuss the checklist below with your family to fine-tune your plan.

#1 Call an Emergency Plumber

You can contact emergency plumbers any time of day or night. The minute you notice plumbing problems, reach out to a professional. They can provide you with emergency plumbing services to get your home back into working order.

#2 Find and Close the Water Shut-Off Valve

Next, follow the flow of the extensive flooding to find where it comes from. Burst pipes typically connect to a water supply valve attached to the nearest fixture. However, overflow from clogged drains indicates more concerning issues that we’ll address in point six of the emergency plumbing checklist.

#3 Determine Where the Water Comes From

If you can find where the plumbing issues originate, you can communicate that information to your plumbing emergency services. The plumber can respond faster by providing a quick fix until they find a more sustainable solution.

For example, the water damage might trace back to a leaky water heater. You can turn off the water heater and tell your plumber where to look. They won’t have to waste time looking at other parts of plumbing infrastructure.

#4 Remove Essential Belongings If Possible

One small plumbing issue can create a sizable identity crisis for you. While you wait for the emergency plumber, gather essential documents like IDs, social security cards, and birth certificates. If you have time, remove precious photographs and valuables, too. A plumbing emergency can destroy your most important belongings.

#5 Start Bailing Water Out of the Area to Prevent Further Damage

You can reduce the risk of additional damage by clearing out water while your plumber handles the necessary repairs. Use shop brooms or large squeegees to guide the water outside.

#6 Stay Away From Black or Gray Water

Does the water come from a toilet or clogged drain instead of a leaking pipe? If so, evacuate the building and leave the plumbing emergency to your emergency plumber. Overflowing drains and toilets bring contaminated water into your home.

Contact Roto-Rooter in Columbia, TN, About Emergency Plumbing Services

Did you find this emergency plumbing checklist useful? Make Roto-Rooter in Columbia, TN, your contact for emergency plumber services. Give us a call at (931) 330-2060 or schedule online.